Saturday, April 26, 2008

Weight Training

Weight training builds lean body mass or lean muscle mass. The lean body mass consumes an estimated 35 to 50 calories per pound of lean body mass per day. Weight lifting should balance out the working of the muscles during the exercise. One should seek to work the main muscles, the legs, arms, shoulders, chest, back and abdominals while weight lifting. Be sure to choose your weight training programs carefully.

weightlifting workouts

1 comment:

Rich said...


My name is Rich. I happened to come across your site and I have
one myself about weight lifting programs - -
I thought it would be beneficial for us to do a blogroll link exchange.

Please let me know if you're interested, and I'll put your link up right away. If you are, be sure to let me know what anchor text you'd like me to use for
the link. I'll reply with the same.
